Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Auto Champ Causes Championship Level Controversy

In what was seen as a risky, yet conscious-clearing move, GM Michael Claudio (and his beard) decided to forfeit the season, a la University of Southern California during the Reggie Bush Years. 

In a statement released late Monday night he said, “Due to the nature of the league, and with the amount of money being thrown around the league I do not feel it was fair to accept the wins”  he continued, “I honestly did not think having Foster would of made a difference with how bad Brees has played the past few weeks.”

This has come as a shocker to all Auto_Champ fans as well as Arian Foster, the team's latest acquisition.  Foster was quoted as saying "look, I'm all for paying fair and I feel like I got the raw deal here.  I mean, I put up some monset numbers this year.  It 's been rough, first being selected on Scaletta's 'no changing lineups' team, and then nearly being traded to Dalton's D3 Junior High Appalachian Team before that being vetoed.  I thought being picked up by Mr. Claudio was my saving grace and now this happens?  I don't know what to think anymore."

With the season coming to a close, will other controversies be around the corner or will we have a clean finish?  Only time will tell...